Re-Claiming Our Health with Rainbow Eating

The health of our gut and the balance of our gut microbiome is critical to our overall health and wellness.  In the world of holistic health, the gut is seen as the root cause of many physical and emotional imbalances.

Rainbow Eating, which means having all the colors of the rainbow on our plate, is one way to improve the health of our gut and our ability to be nourished by the food we eat.  Like all holistic practices, it does so on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.  

On the physical level, Rainbow eating encourages us to bring diversity and variety into our meals.  Since different nutrients show up in different colors of food, we harness as many of the vital vitamins and minerals as possible.  

On both a physical and emotional level, Rainbow Eating encourages us to experiment and try new things.  As we expand out of old ruts and patterns with food, we might find ourselves thinking outside the box or taking risks in other areas of our life as well.

Rainbow Eating engages all of our senses and inspires the creative part of our soul to come forth and play.  This is turn strengthens the part of our brain that can call on creativity and flexibility in any situation we find ourselves in.

We know we need food to sustain ourselves.  We also know that food is supposed to nourish us.  For many reasons, it can be difficult to relate to food and eating with ease, and to truly receive nourishment while we’re preparing for and eating our meal.

Rainbow Eating elevates our relationship with food, raising the vibration and consciousness from a daily task to a sacred act.  When we use a Rainbow Eating approach, we open the door to mindful eating and a deeper connection with ourselves, each other, and the earth.  

It is unrealistic that every time we shop and cook and eat we will be acting like a Zen master.  Experimenting with rainbow eating or any kind of new behavior is not about achieving perfection.  It’s about accepting where we are now, and with kindness and compassion, opening ourselves up to our next step of courage and inspiration.

Here are some simple action steps that you can begin today to elevate your relationship with food and nourishment:

  • Take one deep breath before entering the grocery store.

  • Play the game: How many different colors can I get into my cart today?

  • Every time you go shopping, try one new fruit or vegetable that intrigues you because of its color, shape, or texture.

  • Take one deep breath before you start cooking.

  • Notice any stress and/or preoccupations that are present while you’re cooking.  For now, just notice without trying to change it.     

  • Before you eat your meal, take a moment to express gratitude or say a blessing which honors the source of your food and for all it took to travel from the earth to your table.

  • Set an intention that your meal will be pleasant and nourishing for you and any companions.  As much as you can, avoid reading or listening to stressful news and talking about deeply stressful issues as you eat.

Deeper Inquiries:
When do I struggle with receiving nourishment physically, emotionally and spiritually?

When do I struggle with letting go of the crap that no longer serves me?

Where else in my life can I benefit from developing more variety and flexibility?

Blessings to you, my friend, on this journey of receiving nourishment and letting go of what no longer serves you.